Multi-currency Mortgages Lawyers

Contact a lawyer specialized in multi-currency mortgages now and claim your compensation.

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Lawyers specializing in multi-currency mortgages


Multi-currency mortgages are complex products that were massively placed to thousands of consumers as “use or normal mortgages”, from the outset seeing that they are absolutely toxic and whose nullity has been dictated by the different specialized Courts.

In this specialization of Banking Law, we provide the following services:

  • Declaration of nullity of the multi-currency option clause with all its effects.
  • Conversion of the currency of the mortgage to EUROS, from the moment of the constitution of the mortgage.
  • Declaration of nullity of the application of LIBOR plus the differential.
  • Application of the EURIBOR reference index plus the agreed differential from the moment of the mortgage constitution
  • Return to the client of all the amounts applied in excess in relation to the interest paid against those that should have been paid.
  • Recalculation of the amount of amortization of the outstanding capital of the mortgage; attending to EURO and EURIBOR currency plus agreed differential; with effects from the constitution of the mortgage.
  • Claim of the legal Interests and of the procedural costs caused by the claim of the multi-currency mortgage.
  • Advice for obtaining economic expert reports that assess the damage of the multi-currency mortgage.
  • Extrajudicial and judicial claim for multi-currency mortgage claims as lawyers from Barcelona and Madrid as well as from the rest of the national territory.
  • Extensive judicial and procedural experience in these types of matters such as multi-currency mortgages.

Put yourself in the hands of Sanahuja-Miranda attorneys and claim your compensation

900 535 631
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