Lawyers specializing in Commercial
Contact a lawyer specialized in Commercial now and claim your compensation.
Lawyers specializing in Commercial
Modern-day commerce requires that companies actively and diligently manage their main projects and assets. We provide both preventive and legal consulting with regard to company business as well as contracts and actions required for business projects. Some of the most notable services provided in the commercial and corporate area include:
- Incorporating companies
- Capital increases/reductions
- Sale of shares
- Challenging corporate agreements, defences of minority corporate interests Defence of shareholder meeting interests
- Executive liability matters
- Dissolution and liquidation of companies
- Mergers/acquisitions/absorptions, MBO/MBI operations Setting up subsidiaries
- Entering into para-social agreements in companies, partnership agreements
- Consulting and drafting of family protocols
- Agency rights, agent/company conflicts (and vice-versa) Compensation for customer base, lack of forewarning, damages. Non-existence of right to compensation
- Debt claims and recovery Small claims and exchange proceedings
- Claims against insurance companies and/or lending institutions guaranteeing third-party insolvency
- Arrangements with creditors
Put yourself in the hands of Sanahuja-Miranda attorneys and claim your compensation