Lawyers Against Revolving Credit Cards
Contacta ahora con un abogado especialista en tarjetas revolving y reclama tu indemnización.
There is a great deal of talk about revolving credit cards.
Claims against revolving credit cards increased considerably during the past year as the Supreme Court found interest rates on these products extortionate during a 2015 claim. Ever since, jurisprudence has repeatedly declared them null for extortionate moneylending.

Claiming abusive interests
When claiming, law firm Sanahuja Miranda relies on lawyers specialised in revolving credit cards. Over the past years, we have won around 300 cases against financial institutions which translates into over 3 million euros recovered for our clients.
Reclamación de tarjetas revolving
The majority of revolving credit cards are abusive and liable against complaints. No issues usually arise if full payment is chosen. The problem comes when paying in instalments, as interest rates can rise up to 27% which is an extortionate interest rates as pronounced by the Supreme Court, making these credit cards abusive.
Ponte en manos de Sanahuja-Miranda abogados y recibe asesoramiento en tarjetas abusivas
Denunciar tarjetas revolving
Once a credit card is identified as abusive, i.e. when interest rates are excessive and disproportionate in comparison to the regular 20% APR, a claim can be filed against the card.
Due to the Supreme Court’s ruling, clients who used revolving credit cards with too high interest rates can request the amounts paid until the moment the claim was filed.
How to report a revolving card?
Cada caso concreto tiene sus peculiaridades, por lo que es siempre recomendable apoyarse de expertos y profesionales que puedan garantizar el reembolso de los intereses abusivos aplicados:
Collect evidence
El primer paso a tomar es la recopilación de cualquier prueba que pueda avalar los pagos efectuados a la entidad, como son el contrato firmado con el banco y un extracto en el que aparezcan todos los movimientos de la tarjeta, así como el TAE aplicado.
Customer refund
Una vez lista la documentación se ha de pedir a la propia entidad bancaria de la tarjeta revolving que reembolse las cantidades al cliente vía declaración de nulidad de la tarjeta por ser los intereses usureros, así como por incumplimiento del principio de transparencia e incorporación.
Judicial claim
If the entity refuses, legal proceedings should be started which generally means positive results for consumers.
Abogados tarjetas revolving
The best way to guarantee claims against these abusive credit cards is by contacting lawyers specialised in revolving credit cards.
Sanahuja Miranda will accompany you during the entire process to guarantee the banking institution returns in full the abusive accrued interest.

Lawyers specializing in revolving cards
Our law firm relies on the best revolving credit card lawyers in Barcelona and Madrid, as proven by the number of cases won during the past years.
Despite the pandemic, Sanahuja Miranda has won around 300 cases against financial institutions. Over 3 million euros have been recovered for our clients by filing claims against revolving credit card agreements.

Tarjetas de crédito abusivas
Financial institutions took advantage of thousands of clients for a long time. But now, after clear jurisprudence on this matter, courts are ruling en masse in favour of clients for 2 reasons: understandable and plain wording is not used in clauses as well as excessively high interest rates.